
こんな狂気の世の中に孫たちを残して去っていく身が申し訳ない。打ち続く戦争、その悲劇に鈍感になり果てている人類、全地球規模での気候クライシス、道理や正義が通らない日本や米、ロ等の国民の知能、それはファシズムすら危惧させる、恐ろしさ!私は未だ未成熟な人類の歴史途上で生きていることを痛感する。本当に、本当に御免なさい。 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL0fR1Bq0ZjZSEGaI2-hz7A/


ラジオ英会話Fri.18th Mar. 2022 LESSON235



LESSON231 Q: Which of the following is true?

              C: Brendan thinks Aki hasn’t changed at all.

LESSON232 Q: What will Doug do after this conversation?

              B: He’ll take Shiho to a sushi bar.

LESSON233 Q: What does the commander think about the Earth?

              A: It’s just a little planet.

LESSON234 Q: What does the man think the future holds for him?

              A: His work will go down in history.




Friend: I lost confidence in my English.

You: Come on! Your English is already great.

        And I’m sure it will get beter and beter if you keep practicing.



         ・get better and betterますますよくなる

     The harder you try, the more confident you will be!


    ・the + 比較級, the + 比較級 ~であればあるほど…


Daughter: I’ve seen this guy. He’s a friend of yours?

You: Right. Ken was no more than a regular young man when I first met him.

But he has worked really hard, and now he has a huge company with

no less than 200 branches all over the world.




・no more than ~にすぎない

・no less than (数量の大きさを強調して)そんなにも

Remember, hard work always pays off.




英会話タイムトライアルFri.18th Mar. 2022 

Day15  Friendship Blossoming in the U.S.


1. The cherry blossoms are beautiful, aren’t they?!

 → Yeah. You can say that again. I’m glad the festival wasn’t canceled due to COVID.

2. So… Are you bisiting Washington, D.C. or do you live here?

   → I’m visiting. I’m from Japan. So cherry blossoms are really special for me.

3. When did you first arrive in the U.S. frim Japan?

   → About 11 mouths ago. It’s been almost a year.

4. What is your favorite thing about the U.S.?

  → I love the people. Everyone has been so nice. And each state has its own flavor.

      It’s so fun to see the differences.

5. Don’t you miss Japan?

 → I’m a little homesick as I look at these cherry blossoms, but I love traveling.

     I’m lucky to be traveling now.

6. Oh, hey. I learned how to play a Japanese song…it’s called”Sakura”.

    Do you know that song?

    → Of couse. In Japan, everyone knows that song.

        It’s taught in most elementary schools.

7. Oh, I gotta go on stage. Wel come to the Cherry Blossom Festival.

    Is everyone socially distanced, and ready for some music?

    This one is dedicated to my new friend from Japan!  Right over there. Hey!

    → Hi there!  Thanks !  What a great way to complete my journey acroos the U.S.!