英会話タイムトライアルTue 2nd Jul. 2024
Day2 SPR Training どこでタクシーを捕まえられかご存じですか?
Do you know where I can get a taxi?
1. What time does the bus leave?
2. Do you know what time the bus leaves?
3. Where is the market(taking place)?
4. Do you know where the market is?
5. What time does the market start?
6. Do you know what time the market starts?
7. Do you know what time the market ends?
8. Do you know where I can get a taxi?
9. Do you know where I can get concert tickets?
10. Do you know where I can get a drink like that?
*Do you know ~? を5W1Hで応用!
Do you know how much ~?
→ ①what time ②whenを代入
① 電車が何時に到着するかご存じですか?
Do you know what time the train arrives?
② バス停がどこにあるかご存じですか?
Do you know where the bus stop is?
*get の3つの便利な使い方
① もらう、手に入れる
② get + 形容詞 ~になる
get hot /cold/dark 熱くなる/ 寒くなる/ 暗くなる
③ 買う buyよりも幅広く 一石二鳥の使い方
Where did you get this?
A. どこでもらったんですか? B. どこで買ったんですか?