
気候クライシスで全地球規模で滅亡の危機に瀕しているのに、いまだに武力で他国を蹂躙するもの、その尻馬に乗って平和な世界を、人類の理想を打ち壊そうとする輩。これらの愚行を絶対に許すな!日本国憲法・第9条を守れ!地球を絶滅の淵に追いやる核・原発反対! 大長今 日々の記録 語学学習 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL0fR1Bq0ZjZSEGaI2-hz7A/


ラジオ英会話Fri.22nd Apr. 2022 Lesson15



Listening Challenge!

What will Barbara probably do around 7 o’clock?

 B: She’ll pick up what she ordered.

Which of the following is true?

  A: Shiho doesn’t have an umbrella.

How does Roxy like her tea?

 C: Black.

Who is Doris Williams?

  C: A film director.


Say it in English

1.Customer: A lot of paperwork, isn’t there?


You: Please put your name, address and todays date here, OK?


  putは「書く」の気軽な表現。fill in, fill outも「書き込む」

  And I need to make a copy of your driver’s license.


      need to ~。to不定詞は矢印→のイメージ、「これから」のニュアンスがあり、



2. CEO: Could you call a taxi?


             My flight is at 6:00. I’m kind of in a hurry.


   You: Don’t worry. Let me have my chauffeur take you to the airport.


           let me~「私に~させてください」、目的語説明型。Have以下も目的説明型。

    「my chauffeurがtake you to the airportする状況をhaveする」

          Thank you very much for fruitful meeting.


           I hope to see you again soon and talk about the plan in detail.


           hope to~「~することを望む」。to不定詞が使われ、




英会話タイムトライアルFri.22nd Apr.2022

Day15 Let’s Go to London, England!

Meet Your New Co-worker...Online


Try 7 turns!

1. Hello? Can you hear me?

    → Yes.Can you hear me?

2. I can hear you very well…and seeyou. Hello. I’m Christiane.

    It’s great to finally connect with you!

     → It’s great to connect with you too!

3. Well… Welcome to London. Are you used to the time differece yet?

     → I’m used to it now. I was jet lagged but I’ve slept and now I’m used to London time.

4. How’s your flat? Are you used to living there yet?

     → Yeah! I’m on the ground floor and I have a nice garden.

         It’s an older building with Victorian architecture, actually.

5. Oh, that sounds lovely. Just let me know if you need anything.

   → Oh, thanks. I’ll let you know.

6. So…It’s time to work. Oh, my word! This is my cat…

      → Hi there. How cute! What’s your cat’s name?

7. This is peter…OK….Mummy’s got to work…You go in the other room.

    I’m so sorry about that.

    → No problem. I’m glad I could meet Peter too… virtually.



Nice to connect with you.

Nice connecting with you.

Fist bump!

Elbow bump!

virtual fist bump