
気候クライシスで全地球規模で滅亡の危機に瀕しているのに、いまだに武力で他国を蹂躙するもの、その尻馬に乗って平和な世界を、人類の理想を打ち壊そうとする輩。これらの愚行を絶対に許すな!日本国憲法・第9条を守れ!地球を絶滅の淵に追いやる核・原発反対! 大長今 日々の記録 語学学習 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL0fR1Bq0ZjZSEGaI2-hz7A/


ラジオ英会話Fri.4th Mar. 2022 LESSON225



LESSON221 Q: Which of the following is true?

                    B: Buckingham Palace is not as older than Windsor Castle.

LESSON222 Q: Whose painting are the two people looking?

                    C: The woman’s daughter’s.

LESSON223 Q: Why did Azusa scold Nolan?

                    C: Because he made some mistakes in hs report.

LESSON224 Q: Who is the most influent in Spanish?

                    A: Bob’s mother.





Friend:  You look happy. What happened?

You:  Well, my new boyfriend is a lot more romantic than he seems.

       ・比較級more romanticに指定表現のa lotを加え「はるかによりロマンチック」

       ・比較対象を示すthan以下に節 he seems(彼がそう見える)

     On my birthday, he gave me a birthstone ring.

   授与型文、目的語はmeと a birthstone ringで、「~に…をくれた」



Friend: I’m thinking about quitting my job and going abroad.

You: That’s not a bad idea, but I think it’s easier to learn English staying in Japan

        than going abroad.

        staying in japanと going abroadとどちらも動詞-ing形とすることによって


       I’m sure you can become as fluent as you wish if you put all your energy

       and effort into studying English.

      ・as fluent asの後ろに節 you wish「あなたが望むのと同じくらい流暢」




英会話タイムトライアルFri.4th Mar. 2022 

Day5  Tour of the White House


1. Welcome to the White House Tour! First…Do you have any cold symptoms?

 → No. I feel fine.

2. May I have your temperature?

   → Sure. Go right ahead.

3. You have a …normal temperature. Next, just walk through this X-ray machine…

   Go ahead…Ah, do you have ANYTHING in your pockets now?

   → Sorry about that. I forgot to take my car keys out of my pocket.

4. All clear. To stop the spread of COVID, keep your mask over your nose  AT ALLTIMES.

   By the way, I like your mask…Where did you get it?

   → Oh, thanks. It’s one of my favorites. Actually, I made it myself.

       The fabric is from an old kimono.

5. I see. Next…Tell me your thoughts about the President of the United States.

   → Uhm…I don’t know much about her, but she seems kind and thoughtful.

       And she seems like a good leader, so far.

6. OK…So…follow me. Everyone! We have a very special treat today.

    Can you guess what kind of special treat?

    → I hace no idea. Is there a special perforance?

7. Your guide for the White House Tour is…Madam Ester P.Earl…

   The President of the United States!!

   Hey folks! Welcome to the White House!

  →Oh, thank you, Madam President. It’s an honor to meet you…I’m a big fan of yours!