
気候クライシスで全地球規模で滅亡の危機に瀕しているのに、いまだに武力で他国を蹂躙するもの、その尻馬に乗って平和な世界を、人類の理想を打ち壊そうとする輩。これらの愚行を絶対に許すな!日本国憲法・第9条を守れ!地球を絶滅の淵に追いやる核・原発反対! 大長今 日々の記録 語学学習 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL0fR1Bq0ZjZSEGaI2-hz7A/


ラジオ英会話Fri.20th May. 2022 Lesson30



Listening Challenge!

Where did Roxy want to go?

  B: A place her grandfather has visited.

Which of the following is true?

  B: Ms. Stravinsky played the piano.

What are the two people doing?

  A: They are filming.

What will the man do?

  A: He will sell his collection of figures.


Say it in English

  1. Dad : Where has all the money gone?

         You :

         ①I don’t know where all the money has gone.

   But I don’t care.


  ②As the saying goes,” Easy come, easy go,” right?


  1. Coworker : What kind of guy is ken?

   You :  

         ①He may be a little shy, but he has a great personality and a bright future.

    文全体は譲歩を表す常套句 may~butのコンビネーション、


        ②I’m sure you’ll come to like him.

   「~になる」come to

   文全体はam sure「きっと~と思う・~を確信している」をyou’ll以下の節が




英会話タイムトライアルFri.20th May.2022

Day10 Let’s go to Cambridge, England!

Calligraphy Class in Cambridge


Try 7 turns!

1. Good morning. I’m the calligraphy teacher, Christiane Brew.

  Just call me Christiane.

  → Hi. Christiane. I’m Steve.

2. Welcome. Do you have your registration form?.

  → Yes. Here you are.

3. Thank you. Well!!! Your handwriting is excellent.

  You might have a talent for calligraphy!.

  → Really? That’s nice of you to say.

4. Come and say hello to the class… Everyone…say hello to our new student…

  Go ahead and introduce yourself.

    → Hi everyone, I’m Stephen Soresi… Just call me Steve.

    I’m very happy to join your class.

5. Have you ever formally learned calligraphy?

  → No. I just did it in school. Bet it was just a short special lesson in calligraphy.

6. Here is your calligraphy set; a fountain pen and ink. So for today…

  let's write one of Shakespeare’s most famous sayings…Do you know any

  sayings from Shakespeare?

   → I know one Shakespeare saying.. “To be or not to be.”

7. We will write “To be or not to be” … like this! Now, you have a go…

  Oh, you look a little nervous. Just try to enjoy yourself, all right?

  → All right. I am a little nervous, but I will try to enjoy myself. Here goes!