Day8 SPR Training ここで降ります。ありがとうHi’ll get out here. Tanks.
- Do you speak French?
△ Can you ~?
- Unfortunately, I do’t speak French.
- The only French that I know is “Bonjour.”
- Bonjour. May I have a strawberry crepe?
- What is your native language?
=What language do you speak at home?
〇first language 〇mother tongue
- Japanese is my native language. How about you?
- Máuruuru. タヒチ語で「ありがとう。」
- I’ll get out here. Mauruuru.
English is the universal language for finance.
フランス語 Bonjour. Merci.
タヒチ語の挨拶 Máuruuru. .(ありがとう。) Náná.(さようなら。)