
気候クライシスで全地球規模で滅亡の危機に瀕しているのに、いまだに武力で他国を蹂躙するもの、その尻馬に乗って平和な世界を、人類の理想を打ち壊そうとする輩。これらの愚行を絶対に許すな!日本国憲法・第9条を守れ!地球を絶滅の淵に追いやる核・原発反対! 大長今 日々の記録 語学学習 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL0fR1Bq0ZjZSEGaI2-hz7A/


ラジオ英会話Fri.17th June. 2022 Lesson50




Listening Challenge!


What is the problem?

 A: Renji hasn’t clean up his room.

Why Riko’s son is not the “Cheetah” anymore?

 B: Bcause he has stopped training.

What’s the news about Takuma?

 C: He got back together with Kelly.

Which of the following is true?

 A: Roxy enjoyed talking with Professor Peacock.



Say it in English


1. Coworker: You look shocked. What’s the matter?

  You :                        

  ① Haven’t you heard about Cathie?



  ② Listen. She got arrested for shoplifting in a supermarket yesterday.



   ・got arrested get受動態。be動詞の受動態よりも「不意に・突然」感がある


  ③ I don’t see why she did that. 





2. Your assistant : What do you want me to do, boss?

   You :  

 ① As you can clearly see from what I’ve said,


  ・as you can clearly see「あなたが(明瞭に)わかるとおり」。

  ・what I’ve said 「私が(今しがた)言ったこと」。wh

 ② Mcvay is our most important client.


 ③ We need you to see to it that everything’s in order.


  ・see to it that~は「~を確実にする・取り計らう」。

  ・in orderは「順調で、キチンと問題なく」。




英会話タイムトライアルFri.17th June.2022

Day10 Around The World! Dining at Liverpool’s No.1 Tourist Spot


Try 6 turns!

1. Good evening.

  → Good evening.

2. Welcome to the Royal Restaurant & I’m Christiane.

  How are you doing tonight?

  → I’m great, Christiane. How are you?

3. I’m lovely, thanks. Oh, I see you went to the Beatles museum!

  How did you like the museum?

  → It was brilliant. I really learned a lot about Liverpool, actually.

   And I found same great stuff in the gift shop.

4. Actually, today…all visitors to that museum get a free appetizer…

  Can I just see your tickets for the museum or a receipt?

  → Here’s the receipt for the Beatles museum.

5. Cheers…I’ll be right back…OK! Here is our famous cauliflower cheese…Try it…

  → It’s really good! The cheese is a little smoky, and the texture of

           the cauliflower is just right.

6.  Oh, the band is starting…so, what would you like to drink?

  → I’ll have a pint of beer.

7. No problem. By the way, the band takes requests. Do you have a favorite

  Beatles song?

   → Yes. I love the song “Lady Madonna.”