
気候クライシスで全地球規模で滅亡の危機に瀕しているのに、いまだに武力で他国を蹂躙するもの、その尻馬に乗って平和な世界を、人類の理想を打ち壊そうとする輩。これらの愚行を絶対に許すな!日本国憲法・第9条を守れ!地球を絶滅の淵に追いやる核・原発反対! 大長今 日々の記録 語学学習 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL0fR1Bq0ZjZSEGaI2-hz7A/


ラジオ英会話Fri.5th Aug. 2022 Lesson85  今週のReview


Listening Challenge!


When was Brendan Peacock slimmer?

 B: When he first met Aki.

Why did the woman get bikes?

  A: Because they were on sale.

Which of the following is true?

  C: Big west film school is a good college.

Why did Ellie become an astronomer?

  B: Because she wanted to do something related to space.



Say it in English


1. Friend: Where did you get this?


    You :       

 This bookmark?  I bought it at a bookshop near the station.


   ・at a bookshopのatは「地点」

   ・ 英語では説明は常に後ろに置く

          I bought itと述べて、at a bookshopと場所を言い、更にそこはnear the station

         と説明している。                                             ② It’s handmade by a famous artist, but sold at a reasonable price.  




2. Client: What is that?



  It’s our new product that will bring about big changes in our lives.


        bring about~ (~をもたらす)


   この文はour new productthat以下の節が説明する。


   なっていて、この□とour new productが組み合わされる。

  ② Let me explain its main features. I’m sure you’ll be surprised.







英会話タイムトライアルFri.5th Aug.2022

Day5 Around the world!

Tell me about one possession that you treasure.



I really treasure my photo albums. I’ve kept pictures of my friends and family and places that I’ve been over many, many years. Anytime I look at my photo albums, it makes me smile



A possession that I treasure is probably…one of my ukuleles. It’s blue, electric ukulele. Music has always been a massive part of my life.



I have a lucky baseball cap. My favorite team is the Boston Red Sox.

Whenever I need good luck, I always put on my lucky baseball cap.